Traditional Prints

Traditional Prints

Superchrome are the leading large format digital printing company with offices in the UK and worldwide. We cater for a wide range of regular and new customers from artists to large corporations. Traditional prints are ideal for anyone who wants a cost effective run of prints from traditional artwork or a copy of an original masterpiece. We have a wide range of traditional prints to choose from in our online gallery. Choose from Monet, Leonardo De Vinci, Caravaggio, or Van Gogh and millions of others. Alternatively, we can print from photographs, digital images and original artwork.

Superchrome’s Team are Experts in Colour Matching Traditional Prints

We are experts in colour matching from your original piece of artwork. We regularly print for art galleries, museums, advertising companies and exhibitions.

Traditional Prints

Superchrome use high quality HP Designjet printers to print the finest quality traditional prints. We use UV and Latex inks to create fine detail, vivid colours, protect from fading and because we are an eco-friendly company. We will restore and retouch your images so they look as good as new.

Paper, Canvas or Photographic Paper for Traditional Prints

Superchrome prints traditional prints on a variety of substrates. Choose from graphic paper, satin paper, or fine art papers, duratrans for backlits, fabric, film, banner material, photographic paper in matte, gloss and satin, and all types of canvas. Canvas can be stretched or unstretched and there are finishing options such as a spray colour varnish to make the print last even longer.

Choose from heavy trevira for backdrops, 2m x2m heavy weight artist canvas, polyester canvas, silver and gold film, blue backed paper and posters. Posters come in 100gsm and 135gsm. We have a wide range of sizes from A4 to A0 and large format for traditional prints.

Order your Traditional Prints from Superchrome today

If what you need is not listed here, don’t worry, we can provide it. Customers in the past have asked for certain brands of graphic paper and we have sourced it for their traditional prints. We love custom orders and no job is too big or too small. We also have a team of designers who can help you with your order.

Please contact Superchrome in any of the following ways:

Superchrome is waiting to go traditional.


Every file that you upload will be managed by an account representative to ensure that your
order receives the attention it needs.