Prints on Canvas

Prints on Canvas

A print on canvas is a professionally produced reproduction in which a photo or image is printed directly onto a canvas using a variety of methods including offset lithography, digital printing etc. Prints on canvas are preferable to paper prints because they are durable and don’t need to be framed with protective glass, thereby ensuring a clearer view of the image.

For excellent and state of the art quality of prints on canvas, you can rely on Superchrome. Print on canvas is only one of the many digital printing services provided by Superchrome, a professional digital printing company based in the UK. Superchrome provides digital printing on canvas of fine art works and even your favourite photos. Our giclee prints are characterized by the highest degree of accuracy, richness of colour and visual quality.

We have several options of prints on canvas for professional photographers and artists. You can choose to have the canvas art print produced on 100% pure 340gms cotton artist canvas or the instant dry 350gms artist canvas. We also have the 180gms matte canvas paper which is specially designed for fine art reproductions and photo quality printing. For professionals, we also offer canvas prints stretched over a wooden stretcher frame.

Printed on Canvas + Seal  
Plus Design: £95 Discount Prices
Canvas Prints x1 x4 x10
A2: 420x594mm, 16.5x23.5" £ 48 £ 154 £ 296
A1: 594x841mm, 23.5x33.25" £ 65 £ 214 £382
A0: 841x1189mm, 33.2x46.8" £ 74 £ 235 £ 441
2A0: 1189x1682mm, 46.8x66.4" £ 144 £ 488 £ 1080
20x30", 508x762mm £ 68 £ 218 £ 380
30x40", 762x1016mm £ 76 £ 239 £ 451
60x40", 1016x1524mm £ 85 £ 265 £ 518
Canvas Prints Stretched (Frames) x1 x4 x10
2A0 (1189 x 1682) £ 288 £ 976 £ 2160
AO (841 x 1189) £ 145 £ 492 £ 1090
A1 (594 x 841) £ 98 £ 336 £ 780
A2 (420 x 594) £ 75 £ 252 £ 600
A3 (297 x 420) £ 55 £ 192 £ 440
A4 (210 x 297) £ 30 £ 104 £ 230
Superchrome’s digital prints on canvas are made using printing methods that produce prints directly from a computer file rather than from a slide or a photograph, without going through the customary intermediate medium like a film negative, a colour proof or a plate.

By entrusting all your canvas printing requirements with, you stand to gain a lot through excellent quality, low production costs, competent turnaround, freedom to choose canvas material ( unstretched, stretched or framed ), size and shape of prints suited to your requirements and, use of most modern printing technology and printing supplies. As an additional boon, we even offer retouching and enhancement services to ensure perfect imaging quality. All Superchrome’s fine art prints on canvas have a 5cm border for stretching and mounting.

Our prints are delivered bubble wrapped if stretched and sent by Royal Mail. Contact us for quotes. We assure a fast turn over time of just two to three days. Our high quality canvas photograph prints are very competitively priced.

If you would like to know more about print on canvas, any of the projects shown or if you want to discuss any project you have coming up then contact us 020 7237 9333 or fax 020 7237 9444 or email Our experienced personnel would be able to guide you appropriately


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